2015 is a very special year for Margaret Green Animal Rescue, marking their 50th Anniversary, and to celebrate the occasion they are launching Margaret Green Day on 20 May, which would have been Margaret Green’s 100th birthday. Buy 3 Mg Xanax Their amazing team and supporters are planning a variety of events to celebrate Margaret Green Day, and the Mother Ukers will be doing what we can to help raise awareness and funds. Look! Following a visit or two to their wonderful centre at Church Knowle we made this Love Cats video… so wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully pretty!
Order Cheap Xanax Online the next couple of weeks we’ll be helping to promote their anniversary, posting links on our social media pages and getting out and about spreading the word about their fantastic work, starting on Saturday 16 May when we’ll be busking outside the Square & Compass Xanax Bars Sale Online in Swanage. We’d love you to pop along, come and say “hi” to us and some of the lovely staff form Margaret Green. We’ll be there from around 2pm… Then, on Wednesday 20 May we’ll be heading down to the Dolphin Centre in Poole where we’ll be playing from 1pm in Falkland Square as part of a day long Margaret Green celebration. With foot massages, a teddy tombola, face-painting and much more – come on down and join us for a fun day of fundraising for rescued animals!
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