Select Page If you’d like an absolutely idyllic setting for some outdoor drinkies, you really couldn’t do any better than visiting the Square & Compass at Worth Matravers. Even on a cloudy day, for a stage to perform two hours of ukular fusion to a warm, friendly and responsive audience it takes some beating. Thank you to Kevin for being the perfect host, and to those cyclists, walkers, dogs and drinkers who made us so welcome yesterday.

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Cheap Ambien From Canada Thank you too to the lovely folk at Sixpenny Handley for their warmth at The Big Session on Saturday. PA issues are no barrier to having a great time, and we loved being joined on stage by the Junior Ukulele Quartet who stole the show with their skills & smiles 🙂 July looks like being a wonderful month with pubs, parties, fundraisers and festivals! In a couple of weekends’ time we’re at the Jurassic Fields Festival in Bridport (11 July) followed by a return to Grooves On The Green (12 July) where we’re headlining the Calling Stage. Late July is rather dominated by Beer and Cider Festivals – hey, ho. Have fun drinking sensibly, folks!

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