Well its a very sad day indeed..we have just heard that the Fantastic Christchurch Museum of Electricity is to be closed : ( https://www.psicologialaboral.net/2024/08/07/xsrphns A tucked away little gem in the centre of Christchurch that only recently provided the Mother Ukers with a fantastic period set to film our latest band showreel is to close it doors. All the delightful people who worked their have lost their museum jobs and the Amazing Bournemouth tram is going to be shipped out of town. A big Boooooo to the corporations who fail to see the importance of preserving local and also their own history. Are they really that hard up for a few quid? Did the solar power revolution happen over night and leave them broke or is it just a quck blinkered executive money saving decision that will look good on paper for a month or two to earn someone a pat on the back and a fat pay out?
https://transculturalexchange.org/utnmqwh6gdc Our show reel below features the beautiful tram and parts of the museum..
Do you think anything can be done… or will Tescos be moving in soon??
https://aiohealthpro.com/kcmb34khttps://www.completerehabsolutions.com/blog/6zf97vl Please leave a comment if you have any views or ideas on this sorry matter.
https://eloquentgushing.com/eo8nxvqAnd some splendid soul has made an online petition so please sign it (follow link below)
https://merangue.com/rdm2c4rxym2https://homeupgradespecialist.com/z63ljn96i http://www.activism.com/en_GB/petition/save-southern-electric-museum-of-electricity/40995